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EPICO Sensual Tiarè

EPICO Sensual Tiarè

Regular price €110,00
Regular price Sale price €110,00
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Sinfonia floreale grazie alla sensualità del fiore di tiarè,del frangipane e del gelsomino, che vengono scaldati da un soffice cashmere mescolato alla cremosità della vaniglia e del cocco, creando una nuvola sensuale, fiorita e provocante con note dolci.

1000 ml - fragranza in spray per tessuti e ambienti.
Conservare il prodotto in temperatura ambiente, non esporre a fonti di calore.


Floral symphony thanks to the sensuality of tiare flower, frangipane and jasmine, which are warmed by a soft cashmere mixed with the creaminess of vanilla and coconut, creating a sensual, flowery and provocative cloud with sweet notes.

1000 ml - fragrance in spray for fabrics and environments.
Store the product at room temperature, do not expose to heat sources.

1000 ml - fragrance in spray for fabrics and environments.
Store the product at room temperature, do not expose to heat sources.


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